Hyvinvointi, Kotoutuminen, Perhe- ja sosiaalipalvelut, Ukraina
Autumn activities and language groups in Nurmijärvi for immigrants

Do you need immigration guidance, or would you like to learn Finnish or make new friends? Nurmijärvi welcomes you for information, advice and guidance regarding the different aspects of living in the municipality and getting settled in Finland.
Nurmijärvi Koto-info helps with different immigration-related issues and directs you forward if necessary. You may ask advice on living in Finland, registration, residence permits and services in Nurmijärvi. At Koto-info you can also use an interpreter if needed. Check the link to find more information and opening hours.
Nurmijärvi is vibrant countryside municipality offering various activities also in English. Whether it is learning the language or making new friends, here’s a list of activities and groups to attend this autumn!
To brush up Finnish skills:
Klaukkala Club House has open doors each day from 8.00 to 15.30, and all working aged-adults are welcome! Read more here!
Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:00 / ”Puhutaan suomea” (Let’s speak Finnish) by Klaukkalan Klubitalo.
Thursdays from 16:30 to 18:00 / Finnish language conversation group by Setlementti ry.
Nurmijärvi Library in Kirkonkylä has a Finnish language group organised by Setlementti Kirkonkylä.
The group takes place on Tuesdays from 17:30 to 18:00.
Things to do for families:
Suopolun tupa in Klaukkala is a ”living room” for families with small children. Come with your baby or toddler, make friends and have coffee. You can warm your lunch in the meeting place’s well-equipped kitchen. The meeting place is open daily and there are instructors present. You can find Suopolun tupa at Suopolku 3, same house with Suopolku Daycare Centre.
Olkkari-flea market organised by Setlementti, is a place where you can spend time, make discoveries of 2nd hand items, have a cup of coffee, and take part in charity work.
Nurmijärven Opisto offers a variety of language- and hobby classes and courses. Nurmijärven Opisto is a private Adult Education Centre run by a non-profit association. Nurmijärven Opisto is available to everyone, regardless of age or educational background. Learning is largely self-motivated and, as a rule, not aimed at achieving a formal qualification. Here you can find a brief introduction in English.
Klaukkala Church starts organising Multicultral Friendship-evenings in October and December. You can find the event calendar here.
In a need of aid?
The Help Center activity organised by Finnish Red Cross is open on Wednesday evenings at 17:00. Coffee, socializing and distribution of food donations are available at Rajamäentie 9B. Koto-info’s service supervisor will also be attending Help center evenings to give advice on immigration-related topics. You can find Ukrainian information here!
Lunch organised by Nurmijärvi parish:
Meal 2,00€ (including coffee). Children under 4 years eat for free. Distribution of bread aid. Parish employee available for a chat.
- Mondays at 12–13, Nurmijärvi Parish centre, Kirstaantie 5–7
- Wednesdays at 12–13, Klaken keidas, Klaukkala church, Ylitilantie 6
- Fridays at 11-12 Rajamäki (Artturi-sali), Patruunantie 1. (Mondays and Wednesdays distribution of food aid at 9-10)
Nurmijärvi in social media
By following the municipality’s social media channels, you can keep track of things happening in Nurmijärvi.
Here you can find
- Nurmijärvi Facebook and Instagram,
- Visit Nurmijärvi tourism-related Facebook and Instagram, and
- Nurmijärvi YouTube channels.
Don’t forget to follow the Nurmijärvi library page in Instagram either!